CruiserKhana - 4WD Technical Challenge 


Fri 18 to Sun 20 OCTOBER, 2024

Applications opening soon!

2024 CK Logo

Highlights from CruiserKhana 2022

CKhana OverallWinner NaseerSahi 16 9
2022 Overall Winner
Sahi Naseer - Privateer

TeamChallenge Winners 16 9
2022 Team Challenge Winners
Series Offenders - 

ToyoTyres MikeBourke Winner 16 9
2022 Bob Hollow Winner
Best performing TLCCV Member - Mike Bourke


CruiserKhana Sponsors




Dog Gun Coffee








Website Pic1

CruiserKhana is an exciting technical challenge made up of 9 challenges & 3 optional events.

Each event is carefully designed to test your skill without using speed and damage to your 4WD.

Each vehicle requires a driver & a navigator, with each person in the 4WD having their own responsibilities to ensure you earn high points for each event.

AwardsDinner Hilton

With sponsors prizes valued over $15,000 for participants to win, much rivaly is shown as individual & team participants challenge for an award and notarity.

CruiserKhana is open to all 4WDers, so don't miss this great annual event.

CK Logo 2022


TLCCV CruiserKhana 2024

Fri 18 to Sun 20 OCTOBER, 2024