DA FrontPic

Our 4WD driver training courses are among the best quality and value in the country.

Known as Driver Awareness (DA), are courses are conducted by qualified and accredited instructors. Standard & Advanced courses are available to our members. 

Our new member course includes a theory night held via ZOOM, and covers all key aspects of 4WDing. 


The practical component is held on specially constructed 4WD tracks at our club property at Yarck (near Mansfield).  It includes driving through deep water, mud and sand, stopping and starting on steep hills, proper use of snatch straps, as well as the correct use of winches and pulleys.

The course also includes use of CB radio, driving in different conditions, recovery gear, winching, tyres & accessories.



Drivers completing this course should feel confident that they can safely drive their 4WD in most conditions.

Club members are required to complete the standard DA course before being permitted to participate in Club trips.


DA Trainers



  • First Aid Kit
  • Fire Extinguisher (1.5kg Dry Powder recommended)
  • 80 Channel UHF Radio & antenna, fixed to vehicle and wired direct to battery
  • Approved recovery points front & rear, attached with high tensile bolts
  • Snatch Strap (min 8000lb) plus two bow shackles (3.25 tonne minimum rated)
  • Approved jack & base plate
  • Long handled "post hole" shovel
  • Radiator blind (poly tarp 2m X 1m), plus means of attaching, or commercial 'Bra'
  • WD40 or similar, for both petrol & diesel vehicles
  • Tyre pressure gauge

Vehicles without the above equipment or not 4WD roadworthy will be excluded from the weekend Training Activity.

No alcohol to be consumed or the use of illicit drugs, while training. Offenders will be required to leave the course & property.

Apply to Join the TLCCV

DA 05
DA 02
DA 01
DA 03